Read about the course
Course objective
This course aims to strengthen the capacity of data producers and data consumers to manage and use open data in agriculture, nutrition and land. You may want to check detailed curriculum of the course on the GODAN Action web page.
Attending the course enables you to;
Understand the principles and benefits of open data
Understand ethics and responsible use of data Identify the steps to advocate for open data policies
Understand how and where to find open data
Apply techniques to data analysis and visualisation
Recognise the necessary steps to set up an open data repository
Define the FAIR data principles
Understand the basics of copyright and database rights
Apply open licenses to data
Target Audience
The course content is designed to infomediaries which includes ICT workers, technologist - journalists, communication officers, librarians and extensionists; policy makers, administrators and project managers, and researchers, academics and scientists working in the area of agriculture, nutrition, weather and climate, and land data.
Course structure
The course is provided in English. It consists of five units as follows including 18 lessons. The content was developed in November 2017 and last edition was delivered in 2018.
Unit 1: Open Data Principles
Unit 2: Using Open Data
Unit 3: Making Data Open
Unit 4: Sharing Open Data
Unit 5: Intellectual Property and Copyright
You can find the full published curriculum by clicking here.
GODAN Action Team run this course on an irregular base with a customised content for different target audiences. The course is delivered by the GODAN Action project partners (e.g. from CTA, FAO, the ODI, Land Portal) with support from subject experts.
The course is modular, therefore it is suitable to be mixed and matched for different purposes. Participants are offered online tutorials, forum discussions, assignments and individual support from the subject experts during the course.
In a course delivery, participants are given short quizzes, assignments and more practical activities within the units. The course ends with a course exam and course evaluation survey. Online Certificate of Attendance is provided for those who actively participated in the course. For the eligibility for the certificate, it is recommended to read particular course details as it varies among different versions of the course.
Currenty, the course is not being delivered and the content is fully available on this platform. If you have any question, please email us at
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA License. You do not have to ask our permission to re-use this MOOC content. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
Acknowledgement of the contributors
As mentioned in the introduction, this e-learning course is the result of a collaboration between GODAN Action partners, including Wageningen Environmental Research (WUR), AgroKnow, AidData, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), the Land Portal, the Open Data Institute (ODI) and the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The authors involved in developing the course content are (in alphabetical order by name);
Alan Stanley, IDS
Hugo Besemer, retired from WUR
Chipo Msengezi, CTA
Chris Addison, CTA
David Tarrant, ODI
Ilkay Holt, FAO
Imma Subirats, FAO
Jessica Meeker, IDS
Laura Meggiolaro, Land Portal
Lisette Mey, Land Portal
Pauline L'Henaff, ODI
Valeria Pesce, FAO
Rob Lokers, WUR
How to cite this course?
GODAN Action. (2019, December 20). GODAN Action Online Course on Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition (Version v1.0). Zenodo.
Contact information
For your questions and inquires, please contact us at Project website is accessible at
Last updated
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